Sardinia in english

Sardinia – bella isola nel mare mediteraneo.

Sardinien bietet viele kleine Fluchten. Die Insel ist zudem so vielseitig wie kaum eine andere Insel. Denn sie bietet es so viele verschiedene Landschaften und Möglichkeiten, dass man niemals satt werden kann. Nimm dir Zeit dafür. Schau dir die wunderschöne Insel in Ruhe an! Doch nicht nur das Meer, auch die herrlichen Landschaften sind deinen Besuch wert. Denn du wirst sehen – auf kleinstem Raum hast du fast den ganzen Kontinent abgebildet!

Sardinia offers many little escapes. It’s also as versatile as no other island. In addition, it offers so many different landscapes and possibilities that you can never get full. Take your time. Look at the beautiful island! Not only the sea, but also the beautiful landscapes!

Come and visit the beautifull island!

sole_trennlinie-lang La Sardegna offre molte piccole fughe. L’isola è anche più diversificata di quasi qualsiasi altra isola. Perché offre così tanti diversi paesaggi e possibilità che non puoi mai essere pieno. Prenditi il tuo tempo. Dai un’occhiata alla bellissima isola in pace! Ma non solo il mare, anche gli splendidi paesaggi meritano una visita. Perché vedrai: hai mappato quasi l’intero continente nello spazio più piccolo! Vieni a visitare la bellissima isola!

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Ich habe seit Kurzem eine eigenen Videkanal für o-solemio Filme bei u-tube! Dort kannst du dir einige Ferienwohnungen im Film ansehen, sowie z.B. meinen Gänsegeierfilm. Auf den bin ich etwas stolz, weil es nicht so einfach ist, Geier zu Gesicht zu bekommen.

Kategorie: Videos über Sardinien

Holiday in Prammariscu

Perfect holiday in Prammariscu

Dear Sigrid !

First of all, I thank you very much for your selection of houses. You have understood perfectly what we wanted !

We are both around 50 years old and we travel now without our children, and we look after calm and authenticity.

The house Prammariscu you have indicated was exactly what we were looking for ! We could hear only the noise of the waves…and the view was fantastic ! (mehr …)


Alghero Sardinia: Some informations about the beautifull town in the northwest of the island.


This independent travel guide is devoted to the city of Alghero, Sardinia. Its purpose is to provide tourist information on what is one of the most attractive coastal resorts on the Island.

In addition there are suggestions for day trips in the immediate vicinity of Alghero. For example to places such as Neptune’s Grotto or Stintino in the north coast. Argentiera, Anghelu Ruju and Nuraghe di Palmavera in the northwestern part of Sardinia and Bosa in the middle west. Those looking for opinions on this part of Sardinia should go to the reviews section whilst the images area will help to complete the picture.


Sardegna Turismo has a nice side about Sardinia.
Read the informations about Alghero:

With its 44,000 inhabitants, it is the 5th largest city of Sardinia. Alghero is the island’s main harbour town. Home to Fertilia airport and one of its best-loved cities for the popular walkway along the port’s bastions. The red roofs that touch the sky and the gorgeous natural bay that flows into the emerald sea. The shoreline is some 90 km long and known as the Coral Riviera, home to a major colony of the finest coral.

Pictures made by Sigrid Hering

Kategori: Sardinia in english

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